This StatPearls review (6th edition) is designed to help you maximize your score on the Pulmonary Disease Certification Exam. Our questions target the American Board of Internal Medicine®; American Board of Medical Specialties® and American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine® content outlines and match the question structure. We have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order multiple choice questions and four detailed teaching points to help you rapidly prepare and achieve the best score possible. The questions are updated annually by 764 authors and 749 editors to improve your learning experience and to better match exam requirements. The single best way to improve your performance is to DO MORE QUESTIONS!
Know The American Board of Internal Medicine®; American Board of Medical Specialties® and American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine® Exam
The exam is approximately 7 – 10 hours and consists of 240 – 300 questions with a pass rate of 98%. The exam covers Obstructive Lung Disease – 17.5%, Critical Care Medicine – 15%, Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease (DPLD) – 10%, Sleep Medicine, Neuromuscular and Skeletal – 10%, Epidemiology – 2%, Infections – 12%, Neoplasia – 9.5%, PleuralDisease – 5%, Quality, Safety, and Complications – 5%, Transplantation – 2%, Vascular Diseases – 6%, Respiratory Physiology and Pulmonary Symptoms – 4%, and Occupational and Environmental Diseases – 2%.