Managing Burns The essentials of pathophysiology, assessment and management of major and minor burn injuries CME VIDEOS

Learn to manage major and minor burns from a faculty of burns specialists led by eminent burns surgeon, Mr Stuart Watson, and sponsored by COBIS (Care of Burns in Scotland). The course consists of lectures, plus practical tutorials, covering the essentials of physiology, recognition, assessment, and management of all common burn types.
Target Audience
All doctors, nurses, and paramedics who look after acute burns (ED, ENP, Rural GP, etc).

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this activity, you should be able to:

Discuss the assessment of burn injuries
Initiate a treatment plan for most burn injuries
Describe the importance of infection prevention; nutrition; temperature control; pain management; physiotherapy and psychological care of burn patients
Undertake debridement and dressing of burn wounds
Describe why large burn injuries cause systemic illness and why burns may threaten the airway, cause renal failure, and multi-organ failure
Program :
Module 1: Background to Burns Management

Lecture: How a burn harms a patient

Lecture: Causes of burns

Lecture: The immediate management of burns

Module 2: Burn Thickness

Lecture: Superficial & superficial-partial thickness burns
Lecture: Deep-partial thickness burns
Lecture: Full-thickness burns
Module 3: Complicated Burn Injuries

Lecture: Major Burns
Lecture: Electrical Burn Injuries
Lecture: Burn wound infection
Lecture: Airway & Inhalational Injury
Lecture: Facial burns

Module 4: Hand Injuries
Tutorial: Paediatric Hand Injuries
Tutorial: Paediatric Hand Dressings
Tutorial: Adult Hand Injuries
Tutorial: Hand Physiotherapy

Module 5: Head/neck/chest burns

Tutorial: Paediatric Head & Neck Burns
Tutorial: Paediatric Facial Burns
Tutorial: Paediatric Chest & Shoulder Dressings
Tutorial: Adult Facial Burns

Module 6: Groin Burns

Tutorial: Groin Burns
Tutorial: Groin Burn Dressing

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Managing Burns The essentials of pathophysiology, assessment and management of major and minor burn injuries CME VIDEOS

Managing Burns The essentials of pathophysiology, assessment and management of major and minor burn injuries CME VIDEOS

Original price was: $99,00.Current price is: $15,00.
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