This approachable text and atlas combo is jam-packed with illustrations, artwork, and micrographs to help clarify important ideas and speed up learning.
For fifty years, there has been no question that Junqueira’s Basic Histology is the finest introduction to the structure and function of human tissue. This well-respected classic integrates the subjects of biochemistry, immunology, endocrinology, and physiology with accessible yet thorough content to cover all you need to know about cell biology and histology. With its thorough coverage of all tissues, organ systems, bone and cartilage, blood, skin, and more, Junqueira’s is an invaluable starting point for further pathology research.
Junqueira’s is organized to maximize the learning process and is brimming with illustrations, micrographs, and concise explanations of important ideas. This is a vital tool for advanced undergraduate tissue biology courses as well as students pursuing careers in medicine and other health-related fields.
Features of the Seventeenth Edition of Junqueira’s Basic Histology:
Brand-new: 550 Q&A, or 300 more than in the last version!
Questions for a self-test in each chapter
Important details and tables summarizing the main ideas
Clinical relationships for every subject
illustrations highlighting important concepts in histology and cell biology
Light and electron micrographs providing a comprehensive atlas of organ, tissue, and cell structures
Excellent Appendix explaining stains seen under a light microscope