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AUTHORS: Su Jin Kim HsiehElizabeth Anne Morris
PAGES: 471
YEAR: 2021
ISBN: 978-3-030-84546-9

Original price was: $249,00.Current price is: $3,00.


The available information on breast cancer has evolved so rapidly that a textbook understanding is no longer sufficient to make sound therapeutic decisions. Further, the latest findings and data are spread throughout the scientific literature of various medical fields, making it difficult for medical professionals to keep abreast of these advances, and to apply them in their day-to-day work.

This book provides updated information on breast cancer, such as the modern molecular classification and staging, and demonstrates how imaging with pathologic correlation can be used in management decisions. In addition, it identifies the most suitable imaging modalities for screening, diagnosis and monitoring for each clinical case.

Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for all medical professionals (practicing or still in training) whose work involves breast cancer, including radiologists, breast surgeons, pathologists, radiotherapists and nuclear medicine professionals.

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Modern Breast Cancer Imaging 2021 Original pdf

Original price was: $249,00.Current price is: $3,00.
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