
This tutorial demonstrates the techniques for performing the sonographic evaluation and acquiring views for the thyroid/parathyroid recommended by the AIUM Practice Guideline for the Performance of a Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound Examination. Using live models, this program is designed to:

1. Describe the sonographic appearance of the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and adjacent lymph nodes.
2. Recognize sonographic features of normal and abnormal thyroid tissue.
3. Demonstrate a complete ultrasound of the thyroid and the anterior neck.

The learner attributes addressed are patient care, medical knowledge, and practice-based learning and improvement.

CME credits for this video program are available through July 1, 2020.

This video has been designated for 1 CME credit. The CME test for this video is free for AIUM members and is available here: Just look for the title, “Performance of a Thyroid/Parathyroid Ultrasound Examination: Step-by-Step Tutorial.” There is an additional fee for nonmembers to earn the associated CME credit

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AIUM Thyroid/Parathyroid Guideline Video Tutorial (CME VIDEOS)

Original price was: $599,00.Current price is: $18,00.
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